Tall Man Run 3D Game

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10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

Get ready to dive into an exhilarating runner Tall Man Run 3D Game. Tall boy run game is set up in a variety of landscapes & exotic environments. Every environment has different challenges awaiting tall and thick man to conquer. Tall boy running must avoid dodging obstacles to safely reach the finish line. Carefully walk around striking hammers, rotating blades, cutters & big punching hands.

Tall man runner:
As you walk across man tall game tracks, pass through blue cards to increase your size. Take every opportunity on the way to increase your height and thickness. This way you can collect more gems and rubies by the end of thick man run. Accumulate maximum power till the end of boy tall run to defeat the big buy awaiting beyond finish line. The red cards in tall boy run game, be wary they will decrease your size. They will downsize your tall and thick man and you will fail to reach finish line. Collect a maximum number of gems in every level of man tall run to buy upgrades.

Exciting Upgrades & PowerUps:
Moving along you can upgrade tall man running basic height, thickness and speed. To enhance fun level you can buy ornaments from the store. Add embellishments to your tall boy running, buying different skins and head gears. Choose different head gears to match with your fav pick skin color from store and play game

Exciting features of Tall Man Run 3d Game
Man tall game has variety of colorful landscapes
Colorful skins to play thick man run
Exiting headgears of different super heroes
Increase, decrease height & thickness
Challenging obstacles to dodge around

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Oxirgi yangilanish
27-iyn, 2024

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