Remote for Tanix Box

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1 ming+
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Tanix Remote: Elevate your Tanix experience with our intuitive Android app.

Introducing Tanix IR Android Remote, the ultimate remote control app designed exclusively for smartphones equipped with an infrared (IR) sensor. Elevate your control over Tanix devices with this intuitive and customizable remote experience. Seamlessly navigate and access smart features directly from your smartphone.
Note: To use this App your phone must have IR Sensor else this app will not works.

This is a simple app which has ability to control sundirect setup box using IR technology. This App required IR Sensor to communicate IR signal.
By using this user can control setupbox easily.
Major Remote app Features:
-Works Offline
-Adjust setupbox volume and can change Channel
-Remote Dpad key and number key

This App will much helpful incase physical remote has been lost or damage.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
24-may, 2024

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-first release