WordGasm Word Search Puzzle

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13 ta sharh
1 ming+
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T (13+)

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💕Have you every played a word search game with an action twist?

This game rewards the skill of a word finder along with a strategic mind that will protect the hearts from the bombs. Connect adjacent letters to find a valid word from a dictionary containing of over 200,000 words between 3 letters to 8 letters (inclusive). This is a word game of infinite possibilities due to the weighted randomization of letters.

Come and enjoy this unique word game that combines the features of a word puzzle, inside a word search, while married to a word finder in order to have a WordGasm.

You need to accomplish three basic steps to advance to the next level!

✅Complete the tasks by finding words in the jumbled and randomized game board.
✅Make sure one of the bombs does not destroy one of the hearts.
✅Get the hearts to join by connecting words.

The are countless features in this addicting word search game.

✅The current dictionary have over 200,000 words for you to find.
✅A word search style game board is randomly generated in a way that there is on average 500 valid jumbled words available on EACH move.
✅Unlock a bundle of scenic and historic backgrounds by finishing levels.
✅Search for words in an infinite level word game!
✅Have fun by finding jumbled words by challenging your vocabulary in this action based word puzzle!
✅Each level is played at your own pace and you have unlimited chances to use your word finder skills to defeat a level!
✅Connect the lonely hearts by finding words.
✅Don't let the enemy destroy your heart, save it by leading it away with hidden words.
✅Use up to 5 optional features to help you solve complete the word board.
✅The find a word feature shows you a word that is on the board.
✅The freeze a bomb feature will give you an extra turn to swipe a word.
✅The block feature will block the movement of the enemy so that you can safely swipe a word without worrying about bomb attacking you.
✅The zap feature changes all of the selected letters on the board and randomly assigns a new letter, which in turn could help you find a new word.
✅The break a button feature destroys a block so that the letter above moves down. You can use this to strategically move letters.
✅The information and level tasks section will tell you how many jumbled word there are on the board.
✅The higher your level, the hard the game.
✅A consolidated leaderboard show how well you are doing.

Play WordGasm word search to sharpen your word skills while having fun!

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Detailed instructions to play WordGasm - https://tecdungeon.com/detailed-instructions-to-play-wordgasm

Level 1 Into - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibkw076ZdYQ
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2-avg, 2023

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