Remote for Telefunken TV

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Telefunken TV remote application is specially designed specifically to control Telefunken TV. Simple design, intuitive interface and simple buttons. Simply point remote to Telefunken TV and use remote by pressing any button. IR Blaster must be present in your phone to use this remote.

The app features all the necessary buttons. You no longer have to look for your Telefunken TV remote control or buy a new one in order to replace the one broken down.

Key Features:
- Fully functional remote control
- Buttons are grouped function-wise
- Vibration on remote button

Compatible Models:
- Telefunken TV remote control is compatible with all Telefunken TV models.

“Remote for Telefunken TV” app is not an official Telefunken application. We are not affiliated with Telefunken Company any way.
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-iyl, 2024

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Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved app performance.