Illuminance Lux FC Meter

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Illuminance Lux FC Meter measures light intensity in the environment. Lux measurement is performed to measure light intensity, LUX or foot candles in a particular space like room, bathroom, kitchen or other outdoor places where you are interested in measuring light with Illuminance Lux FC Meter.

Generally Light intensity meters also known as photometers which have a wide role in photography as that request for light control after illumination lux measurement to get better fluorescence results.
Almost every phone that has camera and auto flash controls contains a light meter. This Lux light meter measures Light intensity level or illumination with the help of your phone light sensor to show you the fetched value in LUX and Foot Candle. Illuminance Lux FC Meter shows the minimum, maximum and average value of light around you. So it can be used as a lux level meter and measuring Foot Candle.

The Lux symbol is lx and it is the SI derived unit of illuminance. Measured as Luminous flux per unit area. Lux is a Latin word meaning “light”. A measure of light flow or illumination that depends on the amount of incoming light and the area over which it is spread.

Note: Illuminance Lux FC Meter application works well but on the condition that your device has a light sensor. The sensor being used is often placed at the top left corner of your mobile screen. The exact measurement and/or accuracy of the lux value depends upon the accuracy of your device sensor.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-iyn, 2021

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