City Rescue Ambulance Emergenc

Reklamalar mavjud
100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

Bu oʻyin haqida

This City Rescue Ambulance Emergency Simulator game help you to learn the driving of how to be the best ambulance driver by performing an ambulance duty in a huge city.
To drive in a congested city is little bit tough because there are so many turns, buildings, poles, traffic there that’s why you have to show some unique skills of driving. In a huge beautiful city, unique rescue horn and emergency vehicle make charm of this game. In this perfect scenario, perform duty to rescue human, animals and birds. Become the perfect ambulance driver and rescue member with his team members.

Carrying patients in a rescue vehicle is a merciful duty, in which you save the humanity by performing their duties. Hospitals are located at different locations, by just one call rescue member drop you within a minute in hospital. Emergency situation are created everywhere, but it’s your ability how to tackle. Rush your ambulance. Help the doctors/nurses and paramedical staff by giving them the patients in time, masks, medicines and ventilators. You become the best ambulance driver of 2020.

Emergency Ambulance Rescue Features:
- Fully Featured Ambulance vehicle with sirens
- Multiple rescue missions in emergency situations to serve human being
- Simple and multiple controls for emergency driving
- Multiple modes
- Realistic big city environment
- HD graphics
- Addictive and easy game play
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-dek, 2023

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Zaid Bin Faheem

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