Soroban Flash Anzan  Challenge

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Soroban Flash Anzan Challenge is japanese right brain training,it is a free application that helps the trainer and the trainee to teach and master Soroban (Japanese ABACUS) mental arithmetic and it also offers the advantage of choosing operations gradually which is divided into three levels
• Simple level
• level two
• level three
Soroban benefits:
Soroban has great benefits in the short and long term: it makes the learner realize the meaning of numbers sensually by touching them and seeing their representation on the abacus. It boosts self-confidence by simultaneously completing addition and subtraction operations. The trainee develops the faculties of patience, focus and endurance. It develops the ability of rapid mental computation. The use of the right lobe develops tremendously from the brain. Increases focus and intelligence. Read and represent large numbers with ease. The trainee feels good about himself and improves his efficiency. The most important benefit for learning Soroban. It is to strengthen the relationship between the educator and the trainee. Because the education of the Soroban to the trainee creates a kind of continuous and effective communication that many trainee miss with himself.
After launching the Anzan Soroban Flash Challenge app and before starting training, you must choose the appropriate settings in order to conduct a successful training.

1-The writing time is the period during which the number appears on the screen
2- Cleaning time, which is the time after which the next number will appear
3-The number of digits that made up the numbers (Example: 13 two-digit 101 made up of three digits and so on)
4 The number of operations in each attempt and after displaying all numbers the result will appear when you press the question mark screen.

5-The level represents the difficulty of the operations to be performed and there are three levels (simple, complex 5, complex 10) it means simple level ; level two and level three

• Simple level: For each column, the process requires only column beads to be activated.
• Complex5: For each column, the operation requires activation and deactivation of the column beads.
• Complex10: For each column, the process requires activating and deactivating beads on two columns.

6-Subtraction Allows application to show subtraction and addition operations.
7 The Start button for launching the process, on the button we records the total number of operations from the moment the application is installed.
8 Settings is a special page for selecting language and color.
Remark :
it is better for trainee to train with trainer of Soroban because this application is only an aid to work on developing the mental arithmetic skills.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-iyl, 2024

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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

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