Toilet Rush Run: Draw Puzzle

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10 ming+
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Train your brain effectively and relax your mind now with this funny puzzle game Toilet Rush Run 🚽

In Toilet Rush Race: Draw Puzzle, your quest is to find the way to reach Toilet. Draw a line to connect the characters and the toilet - but How fastest you can go to help him/her release the pressure

How to play
It's time for using your wild imagination:
1. Click on the boy to start drawing lines
2. Draw a line to the toilet but avoid obstacles
3. Fine the fastest path to reach the destination
4. The boy and girl run to the toilet along the line, and the game is successful.
5. Tap the Skip button to go on to the following level, or press the try again arrow to retry the level.

Game Feature
- Relax your mind with the drawing lines game
- Challenge your ability on many levels
- Variety of levels: More than 99+ levels of increasing difficulty.
- Time for your brain to refresh after a day

Download Toilet Rush Run: Draw Puzzle NOW, to enjoy endless fun!
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-dek, 2022

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BLOC 7 NR 210 BENSERGAO AGADIR Agadir 80007 Morocco