Baby Bible - New Testament

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10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

It's an educational game aimed at children under 5 years old, but it can be used by people of any age.

It was intended for the Roman Catholic Church audience, but may be used by other religions.

This app does not teach about the Bible, it just uses the context, characters and biblical figures from the New Testament to help teach children about shapes and colors. The intention with the use of biblical characters is to arouse children's curiosity about such characters, and parents are responsible for teaching their children the best possible way about these characters.

This app is intended to help children develop hand-eye coordination, cognitive skills, logical thinking, attention, imagination and creativity, as well as problem-solving skills. Games will help boys and girls to develop basic skills and preschool education.

The child will find activities with Jesus, Mary, Joseph and several other characters.

The child will travel through the New Testament through various activities.

Educational games are perfect for preschool and kindergarten kids.

After installing the app, games can be played without internet.

If you need help or have any feedback, please email us at We will be delighted to receive your comments and suggestions.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-avg, 2024

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