Atomic Time - NTP Clock Sync

1,79 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Step into the world of unparalleled accuracy with Atomic Time, the premier clock app. It redefines the standard for timekeeping by providing users with the most accurate time, meticulously synchronized with global NTP servers. Witness the essence of time through our elegantly minimalist analog display, beautifully paired with a crystal-clear digital clock beneath.

Especially valuable for enthusiasts and professionals alike, Atomic Time serves as a trusted reference for checking the accuracy of watches and setting them to the precise second. Crafted for simplicity and readability, this app is the definitive choice for anyone who values precision and style.

- Elegant Design: Enjoy a minimalist graphical analog clock along with a digital display, crafted for optimum clarity and aesthetic appeal.

- Customizable Themes: Personalize your clock with multiple color schemes such as Light, Dark, and Black (optimized for OLED displays). Dive into a world of color with variations like Warm Blaze, Pink Candy, and Bluebird to match your mood or decor.

- Time Server Selection: Choose from a wide array of time servers to sync with, ensuring you always have the fastest and most reliable connection.

- Sound & Display Settings: Customize your app with options to turn sound on or off, keep the display active, and select your preferred second hand animation – tick or sweep.

- Lightweight & Fast: Atomic Time is designed to be both fast and light, ensuring minimal impact on your device’s performance.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-avg, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,65 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

- 12/24-hour time format
- Various optimizations

Ilova yuzasidan yordam

Dasturchi haqida
Thomas Martin Heinrich Wiegold

Thomas Wiegold – boshqa ilovalar

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