Heavy Truck Driving Simulator

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10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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Your duty in this offroad truck driving simulator to pick up the cargo in your luxury truck from the factory and take it to another factory of truck wala game.

You have to drive real truck driver cargo trucks safely because you will be on different tracks like on curvy mounted tracks on the air, on the bridges, mounted areas, in the city and on the water, surface bridges truck loading game.

Unsafe driving could lead your serious damage in shape of your truck lost stage failure and also you can fall from big height result in crashed, in this amazing 3D city cargo truck transport game.

In this truck wala game you have different choices like European trucks, Asian trucks especially Indian trucks, Pakistani trucks, Indonesian cargo trucks with different features.

In this impossible truck trucks driving simulation game you have to load different types of luggage like wood, iron, oil tanks, reached those in the desired destination safely in 3d truck driving games.

Especially cared when you loaded luggage drive safely avoid from speed breakers, ramps, impossible tracks and dangerous curvy turns of parking games. If any single luggage dropped from the vehicles, then game is over.


1) Most realistic Indian truck game physics feel like real truck driving.
2) Most beautiful mountains with snow, raining and thunderstorms.
3) Lots of cargo items to drop like fertilizer bags, sandbags, woods and wheat flour for animal dose.
4) Mountain snow drive with most thriller slippery roads
5) High quality graphics

Get Ready to Drive the Indian Truck Driving Game Cargo Truck Driver.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-apr, 2024

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