Sales Manager

369 ta sharh
100 ming+
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The Sales Manager is a powerful tool for producing sales invoices in the field. It is a cloud based, multi-user client server system, and Vanguard Software provides various server options.

The client can run on any Android phone or tablet, and it also runs on Chromebooks. The app itself is free. It is not a trial version, and it has no expiry date. It is fully functional, and there are no paid extras. It can also be used as a stand alone app, though various restrictions apply.

The Sales Manager is faster and more accurate than traditional paper-based methods, and can handle large amounts of data. Barcodes can be scanned using most Bluetooth scanners. The salesman does not have to lug around a heavy laptop – he only needs the phone that he already carries.

The Sales Manager is designed to run on just about any Android device, and can be used even on devices with small screens. It has a rich graphical user interface, which makes it easy to learn and to use. The application uses a highly scalable SQLite database, and all queries are indexed. It can handle large numbers of customers and products, with little or no loss of performance.

The Sales Manager can adapt to match most business situations, and automatically formats dates and prices according to the current locale. It also has a flexible business model that includes support for multiple price lists and variable tax rates. It can be used for returns and refunds, as well as invoices.

Key features
• Fast response to user input
• Highly scalable database
• Easy to learn
• Simple user interface
• Barcode scanning
• Web services
• Multiple price lists
• Variable tax rates
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-iyn, 2024

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