Ragdoll Duel: Weapon Fighting

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100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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"Ragdoll Duel: Weapon Fighting" is an exciting mobile game that lets you transform your hands and feet into deadly weapons while soaring through the skies using a unique ragdoll system. In this 1 vs. 1 duel-style stickman fighting game, you'll test your combat skills against another ragdoll fighter.
Both you and your opponent have health bars and specific health counters. Your adversaries are just like you, ragdoll stickmen with limbs flailing in all directions. However, your ninja skills and tactics give you the upper hand. Direct your stickman ninja to engage in fierce battles and bone-crushing encounters.

Before each match, you can select weapons for your hands and feet, enhancing your destructive power. The stickmen characters can throw each other, engage in close combat, or employ a variety of weapons.

Enjoy the amusing battles of these quirky ragdoll stickmen:
-Create your own 3D ragdoll warrior.
-Experience super-simple controls – swipe to drag limbs and strike your enemy!
-Perform incredible ragdoll-style stunts.
-Access a plethora of weapons and rewards.
-Tackle endless levels and challenges.
-Defeat all the bosses and unlock every reward.
-Engage in hardcore gameplay with unique ragdoll physics.

Are you ready to become a legendary stickman master?
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-okt, 2023

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