Cute Animals Hide & Seek

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Welcome to our stereo world, here we have many cute animals, they are always so funny! When you open the gate, they disappeared out of your sight,you must find them out by your ears.

You can choose the daylight and night mode, you will have different feelings. In the daytime mode you can see them clearly. In night mode, they will hide in the dark.

Playing hide and seek in new way. Are you ready?

Note: Inset your headset and be sure the both channels are correctly!

How to play:
1. Touch screen: swipe left/right to move, and tap to confirm.
2. Headset hook button: long press the button to move, click to confirm.
(You can play this game without look your device's screen)
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-may, 2016

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