VR Movie Hub

Yoshga oid cheklov
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VR Movie Hub's VR Video Player is the ultimate VR player for virtual reality and 3D videos that gives you full control and supports all modes.
Exposure to the world of Virtual Reality! Experience new adventure of your environment on your VR display.
VR cinema video player will stun you with its ultimate collection of dynamic video experiences.
Its really awesome! Using the cardboard and a device supporting games, you can watch your favorite cinema movies of all times, 3D videos and other more interesting things.
Simple and user-friendly GUI for easy navigation in between VR Movie player.

You are definitely going to love this VR app, simply install app and enjoy a true VR experience with real time movements.
We would love to hear from you on any feedback and would try to implement suggestions as much as possible.
Please email us at technicalhub2017@gmail.com
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-dek, 2017

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