Gun Shoot War

Reklamalar mavjud
433 ming ta sharh
50 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

Bu oʻyin haqida

Familiar anti-terrorism battlefield, unfamiliar environment and enemies! The crisis is everywhere, and the riots have never stopped! Join the battlefield, accept this mission, believe that you are the one we want to choose, use your methods to destroy these annoying terrorists, this operation codename: Operation Falcon!

The current mission has four goals, in different places. A large number of criminals have assembled there to prepare for a terrorist activity, and you plot to destroy them all by yourself, let the terrorists see how powerful you are!

There are two weapons in the supply box: pistol-Desert Eagle and assault rifle-M16A1. For you, this is enough, if you want to add new weapons and equipment, you can only get it by your own ability!

How to get weapons?

In the mission, killing terrorist criminals can seize gold coins on them. With this money, you can go to the store to buy weapons and ammunition. If you want to get a powerful weapon, you need to kill enough terrorists and collect enough gold coins. Don't be soft-hearted in front of terrorists, otherwise you won't be able to come back!

Game features:

◈ Many weapons:
Many different types of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, grenade, sniper rifle, high-speed heavy machine gun M134, rocket, etc. Everything. Hurry up and complete the mission to earn coins and buy a weapon of your own!
◈ Carefully prepared mission map:
The real building model simulates the real shooting environment. The classic Dust2 map and AWP sniper training map, as well as the real building rotten building map and small maze map are waiting for you to complete!
◈ Zombie mode:
Destroy all the horrible zombies on the map to complete the mission.
◈ Smooth and true first-person shooting experience:
Simulate a real shooting experience, full screen vibration when shooting, super shock! Support custom adjustment of sliding sensitivity to adapt the mobile phone to the most suitable shooting operation feel.
◈ Multi-reward system:
A variety of reward systems can help you quickly accumulate gold coins in the game and get your favorite weapons as soon as possible. Of course, we also provide the opportunity to try weapons when the gold coins are insufficient. After the experience is satisfied, you can buy it. Note that our weapons are completely free, and any purchase only requires game currency! Everyone can be a hero without spending money.

You can play the game at any time offline and enjoy the fun of simulating real shooting at any time.

The task is very simple, quickly pick up your weapon and go to complete your hero test mission!

Right now, click to download and install, the package is very small, you can join the battle immediately!

Follow-up plan:
◈ Update multiple zombie models
◈ Support custom button layout
◈ Add random events

If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us at
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Oxirgi yangilanish
5-noy, 2024

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园博一里16号1801室 集美区, 厦门市, 福建省 China 361022

WAWOO Studio – boshqa ilovalar