Cat Doctor

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Cat Doctor is a free-to-play simulation game that lets you experience the career of a veterinarian. In the game, you will receive sick cats from all over the world and diagnose and treat them.

The game features a variety of cats to care for, each with its own unique needs. Some cats may have physical injuries, such as bruises or wounds, while others may have more serious medical problems, such as heart or kidney disease.

To diagnose cats, you will need to perform a physical examination and run the necessary tests. This may include taking blood or urine samples or performing biopsies. Once you know the cause of the cat's illness, you can begin treatment.

Treatment can include a variety of procedures, such as administering medications or performing surgery. You may also need to provide emotional care for sick cats.

As you treat more cats, you will gain experience and skills. You will also be able to open new pet clinics and purchase new medical equipment.

Cat Doctor is a fun and rewarding game for all cat lovers. It is a great way to learn more about pet care and help sick cats recover.

Here are some of the key features of Cat Doctor:

* A variety of cats to care for
* Diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental illnesses
* Realistic medical procedures
* Beautiful and engaging graphics

If you are looking for a fun and engaging simulation game to care for cats, Cat Doctor is a great option.
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-yan, 2024

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