Green Monster 4 - All BOSS

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The 4th chapter in monster series comes up with the appearance of all of bosses🎉🎉🎉

👉Once upon a time, the kindergarten was haunted, the monsters were originally gentle and docile but they mysteriously grew hostile and most of them preyed on the protagonist when the latter entered the kindergarten to find their missing child.😈😈😈

👉In the previous chapter, you as the main character explore the abandoned levels of kindergarten, survive the residents of the establishment that was left suspiciously empty, uncover the truth behind the place.

👉The 4th chapter requires you to survive the abandoned lower levels of kindergarten when no direction to go but down, you are forced to delve into even deeper levels of the mysterious establishment that is kindergarten. Little do you know, you are heading down to where no human has been for quite some time.

💪Don't worry, with an entire underworld for you to explore and survive, you will have plenty of opportunities to finally make some friends. Despite the suspicious lack of humans in the entire establishment, you will never feel alone! In Kindergarten, there are friends to be made in every corner but remember not all friends are good!

How to play:
🕹️ Easy to control: swipe to move, tap to jump over obstacles.
🕹️ Collect secret messages and decode them: search for items, escape traps, open doors.
🕹️ Avoid poisonous pond and countless other dangerous traps.
🕹️ Upgrade your skills, overcome challenges, and unlock more levels.

✔️ All bosses: Bambam, Choo, Rainbow, Opila Bird, Captain Fiddles, Banbalena, Jumbo Josh, Stinger Flynn, NabNab, Sheriff Toadster...
✔️ Countless traps, and over 111 challenging levels waiting for you to explore.
✔️ Exciting features are updated regularly.
✔️ Beautiful 3D graphics provide a deep gaming experience.
✔️ No wifi needed - Free - Weekly updates.
🥳🥳🥳 Download Green Monster 4 - All BOSS game to enter the haunted kindergarten and explore the secret base to fight all boss and overcome all the levels.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-avg, 2024

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