GPS Speedometer HUD - Odometer

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GPS Speedometer and navigation app with head-up display (HUD) is an accurate high-performance car speedometer and odometer.

Track car speed with GPS Speedometer and Odometer!

The Speed app is a reliable speedometer app to track your vehicle's speed. Whether you want to check your miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph), you will get the precise average car speed. ā­

ā±ļø GPS Speedometer, your go-to speed tracker app, is the ultimate tool. Whether monitoring your car speed or adhering to speed limits, this speed app is your perfect companion.

Accurate GPS Speedometer with head-up display (HUD).

Turn your smartphone into a heads-up display HUD speedometer. Head-up Display (HUD) feature for both analog and digital speedometers.

Do you ever ask yourself, "How fast am I going?" - If yes, look no further! Download GPS Speedometer now and elevate your driving experience with precision and style! šŸ’Æ

The Ultimate GPS Speedometer & Odometer is your trusted companion, offering comprehensive car speed, time, and distance records for your vehicle.

GPS Speedometer Features:

āœ… Display only analog speedometer;
āœ… Display only digital speedometer;
āœ… Display both digital and analog speedometers together;
āœ… Change the speedometer color theme;
āœ… HUD (Head-up display) for both analog and digital;
āœ… Generate alarm for maximum speed limit;
āœ… Record time, distance, average, and max speeds;
āœ… Display speed versus time graph for the whole trip;
āœ… Location and route on the map;
āœ… Compass display on speedometer and map;
āœ… Save the history of the trips.

šŸ“ GPS Speedometer checks your car speed in miles and kilometers. You're not just getting a standard GPS speedometer app - you're gaining access to a comprehensive mph tracker and odometer that's free to use.

GPS Speedometer stands out as the ultimate speedometer app, offering a precise speed odometer function that helps you closely monitor your car's speed. With Speedometer GPS, your speed GPS data is always at your fingertips.

Track Car Speed with GPS Speed!

šŸŒ GPS Speed - our app leverages advanced GPS technology to provide a real-time and highly accurate speed reading. With our GPS speedometer, you can trust that your speed data is spot on.

šŸ Miles Per Hour (MPH) Tracker - whether you're driving in a region that uses mph or you simply prefer this unit of measurement, our app allows you to keep a close eye on your speed in miles per hour.

šŸŽļø Speed Tracker - want to keep a record of your driving speeds? Our app doubles as a speed tracker, enabling you to log and review your speed history over time.

šŸ“Ÿ HUD Car Speedometer - turn your smartphone into a heads-up display (HUD) speedometer. This feature projects your speed onto the windshield.

šŸš€ Speed Odometer - stay updated with your journey's progress through our speed odometer. It calculates the total distance you've traveled during your trip.

šŸ†“ Free Speedometer App - say goodbye to the hassle of purchasing and installing physical speedometers in your car.

šŸ”„ GPS Speed and Speed Limit App - keep within legal speed limits by checking your current speed against the speed limit.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-apr, 2024

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