Detectify - Devices Detector

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7,28 ming ta sharh
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This devices detector is your essential hidden devices detector app whether you are at home, in the office, or in public spaces. Detectify - Device Detector utilises advanced technology to detect spy bugs and it allows you to detect hidden devices discreetly.

This app uses an algorithm to detect hidden devices using magnetometer readings. When the magnetic field value is higher than usual, the app alerts user to search for potential hidden electronic devices in the surroundings. This app has been found useful for uses such as gps tracker detector and tracking device detector.

Features of Detectify - Detect Hidden Devices:
- Simple and Easy way to detect hidden devices
- Graphical representation of Magnetic field values
- Tips for Manual detection of hidden devices

Open detectify hidden devices detector – camera detector, then move your phone in your surroundings. The app will show a message that potential electronic device nearby, if this happens then check the area manually for any spy bugs. Mostly holes or gaps in the corners, such as bedside lamps, drawer locks and stuffed toys can be used to hide electronic devices. This feature may also be used as a bug detector scanner to scan the surroundings for potential electronic bugs.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s:

Q.1 How accurate are the readings?
Ans: The accuracy depends upon various factors such as your Magnetometer sensor’s quality and your surroundings. Make sure to inspect the area manually where the reading is high

Q.2 Is this Hidden Devices Detector free to use?
Ans: This app does not charge you anything.

Q.3 How can I calibrate the device detector sensor when readings are abnormal?
Ans: As we have mentioned inside the app, you can move your phone in a figure 8 pattern if your device detector readings are acting abnormal.

Q.4 Can I use this as a hidden camera detector or spy camera detector?
Ans: Yes you can find hidden IR cameras as well using both magnetometer and IR features

Working of the app:
Electronic devices have magnetic field which are measured by using devices detector’s special algorithm to give you an idea about the presence of potential electronic devices in your surroundings. Rather than using manual listening device detector you can make use of this app to find potential spy devices.

The magnetic field value depends on quality of magnetometer sensor and its position. Do not rely solely on its readings rather check the area manually to detect hidden cameras and microphones. Your phone must have a magnetometer sensor to use the app.

Do write to us for any suggestions or complaints.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-noy, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

7,17 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

- Bug Fixes: Resolved an issue that was affecting IR detection filters in the previous release.
- Performance Improvements: Optimised filter handling for a faster and reliable experience.

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