Offline OCR, Image to Text

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Hamma uchun

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Offline OCR is an app that can convert images to text, supporting recognition of nearly 80 languages. It has no Internet permission, runs completely offline, without any network connection or uploading any images or data. This way, you can safely recognize your important documents in any situation, without worrying about information leakage or privacy infringement.

Offline OCR is very easy to use, with just a few steps:

※ Select the language of the image.
※ Choose an image from your gallery, or take a photo with your camera.
※ Select the area of the image that you want to recognize.
※ Wait for a few seconds, and see the recognized text.
※ You can copy, edit, share or save the recognized text.

Offline OCR has the following advantages:

※ Supports recognition of nearly 80 languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, etc.
※ Runs completely offline, without any network connection or uploading any images or data, protecting your privacy and security.
※ Recognizes fast, with high accuracy, and can handle images with various fonts, sizes, colors, backgrounds.
※ Has a simple interface, easy operation, powerful functions, and meets your various needs.

Offline OCR is an app suitable for various situations, whether you are a student, teacher, businessman, lawyer, journalist, or any other profession, you can use it to recognize the text in your images, saving your time and energy, and improving your efficiency and quality.

Offline OCR is your best choice, download it and try it now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-yan, 2024

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