Drifta Stockton Lithium

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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1) Now you can monitor your battery on your phone directly from the BMS.

2) Displays detailed battery operating information on the Dashboard tab including : State of Charge Percentage, Status, Voltage, Current, Nominal capacity, Temperature and Cycle time.

3) The Chart tab Provides Voltage、Capacity、Temperature with Current.

4) The Parameter tab include current Bluetooth name, Nominal voltage,Remaining capacity and so on.

5) The APP display a white backgroud from 6:00 to 18:00 of the day, and display a black backgroud from 18:00 to 6:00 of the night.

6) This APP functions through Bluetooth 5.0,Maximum distance of communication on a typical phone is 10 meters (30 feet).

7) APP will list batteries within signal distance on the Device list tab, and you choose which one you want to view. You may disconnect and connect to another battery on the Device page.

8) Each battery will only allow one Bluetooth connection at a time.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-okt, 2024

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