Lords & Knights - Medieval MMO

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73,2 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Strategic alliances with other players, fierce campaigns and wars as well as massive fortresses await you in Lords & Knights! Trade, complete missions and discover technologies. Recruit armies of noble knights to protect your castle or conquer other cities.

Conquer an empire and make your enemies quiver before you!

Lords & Knights is a free to play medieval strategy MMO. At first you take control of one castle and its knights. As time goes by, you can expand your realm all the way to an empire with the right tactic. Conquer the cities of your enemies and become the most powerful ruler of the Middle Ages.

Raise a powerful army and lead it into war!
Recruit several medieval units like knights and foot soldiers. Lead them into battle against other lords with the right strategy and tactics, so you can strike them unexpectedly, or send them on lucrative missions. Among these missions, you will find adventures such as driving off robbers, taking part in a joust or hold a castle festival in honor of your.

Construction and development of your castles into massive fortresses!
Improve your simple starting castle all the way to a powerful fortress right in the Middle Ages. You can stock up on resources for the war in your keep, while you are coming up with strategies for the upcoming battles. Strengthen your armies by improving your armory and researching new technologies. Improve the defense of your realm by erecting fortifications or improve your resource production. Tactics are an important part of the creation of your defense and you decide on them as the king!

An alliance system that facilitates joint conquest!
Found an alliance or join an existing one, in order to plan the strategy and construction of your medieval empire with hundreds of other players. You can forge non-aggression treaties and create alliances with other alliances or march into the age of war together. You can take on different roles within these alliances, for example that of the minister of war or of defense and exchange information with your friends and other lords in the forum and the live alliance chat.

Peaceful realm or warlike empire!
Interact with other lords in order to plan attacks or set up your defense. You can support them with armies and resources. Defend each other´s throne and life in the castle! Should diplomacy fail, another solution would be a well-planned war of conquest with numerous attacks on enemy cities. Send out your armies and plunder the resources of your enemy or assault his fortifications, occupy his castle and make it a part of your empire and expand your realm. Make sure that your most hated enemy won’t remain a king for long!

Show everyone that you have what it takes to be the king of an entire realm and conquer a throne!

Become a fan on Facebook: http://fb.com/lordsandknights

The medieval strategy MMO Lords & Knights is free to play and needs an active internet connection.

Take a look at the rest of our free to play games:

- Celtic Tribes – Celtic Strategy MMO
- Crazy Tribes – post apocalyptic MMO

Now, start building your stronghold fortress, defend it with a thought through strategy and conquer your enemies´ empires in medieval times!
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-okt, 2024

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We are constantly working on improving Lords & Knights and have therefore made various bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience!
- Brand new game worlds: 7 new worlds will be released on October 17
- Spooky Halloween: Our legendary Halloween event will fascinate you and offer new challenges and rewards. The event starts on October 23.
- Epic Hero: A new hero can be unlocked during Halloween.