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Is it difficult to find apps scattered all over the launcher app's desktop?
Want to go directly to an app's Play Store page to update an app you've installed or read its reviews?

With this app, you can see all the apps you have installed at a glance in a list format, and you can quickly find the app you want through the search function. You can quickly launch an app you find or go to a link in the Google Play Store. You can share the Google Play Store page address of a specific app. Also, if you want to uninstall that app, you can easily delete it. You can go directly to the app's details page in the Settings app and proceed with various app settings.

It provides the following features for each installed app:
1. Run the application
2. View the application in Google Play Store
3. Share the app's Google Play Store link
4. Delete application
5. View the app's details page in the Settings app
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-avg, 2024

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388 ta sharh

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Support for Android 14.