Tones Musical Notes Generator

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Key features:

- Tone Generation: The application can generate tones at different frequencies, to produce various musical notes.

- Frequency Adjustment to produce tones at specific frequencies corresponding to different musical notes.

- Volume Control: The application provides a volume control feature, allowing users to adjust the volume level of the generated tones according to their preferences.

- Oscillator Selection: sine, square, sawtooth, and triangle waveforms. Each oscillator type produces tones with different characteristics and timbres.

- Play Modes: The application offers multiple play modes, including continuous play, single play (for a specified duration), custom play, and binaural play.

- Binaural Beat Generation: The application supports the generation of binaural beats. This feature can have various effects on brainwave patterns and is often used for relaxation, meditation, and other purposes.

- Table Display that shows a grid of musical notes and their corresponding frequencies. This feature allows users to visualize the relationship between notes and frequencies.

- Share Functionality of the created Musical Notes or Tones.
- Day / Night Mode;

- The Musical Notes Table contains:
* Natural Notes: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. In the Musical Notes Table, each natural note is represented in its own row.
* Sharp and Flat Notes: Sharp (#) and flat (♭) notes are alterations of the natural notes. They represent pitches that are slightly higher or lower, respectively, than the corresponding natural notes.
* Octaves: Octaves are a series of eight consecutive notes encompassing a wide range of frequencies.

- Interaction: Users can interact with the table by clicking on individual cells to select specific musical notes and frequencies. This interactive feature enables users to explore different octaves, musical notes, and frequencies and generate tones corresponding to their selections.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-fev, 2024

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