Basra cards game

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The game "Koutcheena" (Basra), also known simply as "Basra," is a popular card game played using a deck of Koutcheena cards (Shaddah). It is typically played between two players but can also be played with four. The objective is to collect as many points as possible by capturing cards from the table.

Game Rules:
Cards Used: A full deck of Koutcheena cards excluding jokers.

Number of Players: Usually played with two players, but can be played with four.

Dealing Cards:

Each player is dealt 4 cards.
Four cards are placed face-up on the table.

The first player starts by placing a card on the table and attempting to capture cards present.
A player can capture cards from the table if the value of their card equals the sum of the values of the cards on the table.
Values are counted as follows: cards 2 to 10 hold their face value, Jack (Weld) is 11, Queen (Bint) is 12, King (King) is 13, and Ace (Ace) is 1 or 11 as needed.

If a player manages to capture all cards on the table with their card, it is called "Basra" and earns additional points.
If all cards are taken by a card number 10, this is a special "Basra" and earns even more points.
End of Round:

When players run out of cards in hand, each player is dealt 4 new cards from the remaining deck.
Play continues until all cards from the main pile are exhausted.

Points are scored based on the cards captured: high-value cards, cards part of a "Basra," and any other special cards.
End of Game:

The game ends when all cards have been distributed and the last hand is played.
Points are tallied, and the player with the highest score wins the game.

Planning ahead: Try to anticipate which cards can be captured and the opponent's strategy.
Basra: Aim to achieve Basra for additional points.
Capture high-value cards: Higher-value cards yield more points, so prioritize capturing them.
"Ten Koutcheena" is a fun game that requires a mix of luck and strategy. It can be highly entertaining and ignites competitive spirit among players.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyl, 2024

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