Kids puzzle games for kids 2-5

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Are you looking for a game for kids to develop logical reasoning, motor skills, and learn to identify different shapes? Kids puzzle games is a free educational game for kids to learn while playing and have fun solving puzzles that improve memory. With over 100 different jigsaw puzzles, each with its own degree of difficulty, children can spend hours playing and learning at the same time.

Kids puzzle games for kids have different mini-games for children aged 3 to 7 to develop their motor skills, memory and logic in a fun way, complementing the learning of the little ones during the early stages of child development. Puzzles are an excellent way to develop cognitive skills such as problem-solving, hand-eye coordination, and spatial thinking. Children will learn to classify objects, recognize patterns, and develop their memory while playing.

Our game for kids features a selection of jigsaw puzzles designed for both boys and girls. The interface is simple, intuitive, colorful, and easy to use so that both toddlers and preschoolers can have fun solving the different puzzles. At the end of each puzzle, a reward or sticker is obtained to motivate the little ones.

All puzzles are available in 3 options of lower to higher difficulty, and it is possible to customize the number of pieces.

Puzzles for 2 year old kids stimulate the development of babies, both in logical reasoning and attention span. The jigsaw puzzles are fun and colorful to capture their attention and improve their concentration and problem-solving ability.

The game features different categories of puzzles, from animals to everyday objects, and each one has a colorful and attractive design to keep children interested. In addition, each puzzle has different levels of difficulty so that children can progress in their puzzle-solving skills.

Over 100 puzzles for kids with different themes:
- Farm
- Circus
- Camping
- Nature
- Seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter
- Space
- Medical
- Birthday party
- Halloween
- Princesses
- And many more!

Each puzzle consists of different pieces that must be placed in the correct place to complete the image. With the help of a visual guide, kids can drag and drop the pieces into place to complete the jigsaw kids puzzle. As they advance through the different levels, puzzles become more challenging and require more skills and concentration.

- Over 100 kids puzzles
- 3 levels of difficulty: 4, 9 or 16 pieces
- Interface adapted to the little ones
- Positive reinforcements: rewards at the end of each puzzle that can be collected
- No ads games
- Offline games

Puzzles are an excellent way to improve concentration, memory, and problem-solving, and this game is a fun and entertaining way to do it. In addition, children will also develop social skills by playing and sharing the game with friends and family.

Furthermore, our game has different configuration options: music playback and button lock, which allows adapting the game to the needs of boys and girls.

Age: the game is suitable for toddlers and preschool kids aged 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Our kids puzzle game for children is an educational and fun tool to help kids develop key skills while having fun. Download our free game and start enjoying hours of fun and learning with your children today.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-okt, 2024

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- Minor bug fixes