Ball Sort Puzzle Color Bubbles

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Ball Sort Puzzle Color Bubbles
Sorting games is a very popular puzzle genre on the world. It is very relaxing and good for playing to enjoy and time killing. That would be sure that everyone love neat and tidy things. Messed toys, clothes, wardrobe always make people to be stressed. And sorting them is the only way that let them relax.
So, welcome to the Ball Sort Puzzle Color Bubbles!
In this game, there are a lot of colorful marbles in many shapes like ball, dinosaur, flower, donuts, pearl, leaf, are messed in some tubes. And your mission is to move the color balls one by one so that the same color bubbles could be sorted in one tube. Remember that, you can only stack one ball on to the same color one, or put the ball in an empty tube. Each level has unlimited moves, but you need to be careful because sometimes you will go on a stuck status, and must replay the level.
In some level, you could unlock challenge and play special levels. In which, you might not know what color the ball is except the top one. And in some levels, the tube could contain less or more balls than usual.
This sorting game have many levels and many themes for you to unlock. But you need to win as much levels as you can to claim and use all of them.
Have you ever feel bored in your office ? Why not play this game to relax and change your mood!
Have fun playing game.
Thank you for playing our game!
Zodiart Team
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-sen, 2024

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Joylashuv, Ilova tarixi va yana 2 ta
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