DavFla Shift Planer

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With this program, you get a shift planner including gross-to-net salary calculation. It is ideal for shift workers who want to know before receiving their pay slip whether the extra hours are worth it or what effect a pay raise will have.

This app includes all the important functions of a shift planner. It enables salary and wage calculations including shift allowances, maintains a time and overtime account, offers an expense function, user management, a calendar, a report function, and the ability to print the planned month. Additionally, it features flexible interfaces.

The salary calculation is especially useful for checking if the employer has correctly calculated the salary or if hours are missing. After all, bosses are only human, or at least human-like. And if your boss claims he has the perfect shift planner, just show him this app – then he’ll finally have some competition!

After the 30-day trial period, there are some limitations: Salary calculation is only possible within this period. The template selection for daily expenses and calendar entries is deactivated, and the layout selection is limited to templates.

This program offers, among other things, a complete shift calendar function. Holidays are preset according to the federal state and can be customized. Work and break times can be set separately for each day. There are two different widgets with customizable layouts, flexible shift settings, and the ability to print the monthly calendar. Calendar entries can be highlighted through hatching or blinking.

The calculation includes shift rules, daily rules, and monthly rules for very flexible calculations. These include shift allowances, overtime allowances, a time account, expense calculation, as well as holiday and Christmas bonuses or premiums. These points can be set individually for each shift. Taxes and social contributions are considered according to the regulations of the Federal Office of Finance. The program also provides help with explanations of individual functions, the calculation of vacation days, the creation of reports, and the calculation of commissions. And if you’re wondering why the monthly report looks a bit short, you probably forgot to include the coffee break!

There are flexible options for creating rules, such as for company pensions, asset-building benefits, parking fees per month, meal allowances, travel expenses per day, and attendance bonuses or bonus payments per hour.

In the calendar, each day can be assigned one or more appointments. Font and background colors are freely selectable. With freely created templates, the assignment of appointments is quick and easy.

Other functions include user management and comprehensive layout settings.

The journey continues: Planned are the expansion of the duty and shift calendar, a statistics module, a finance module, and many other ideas.

This program was created with B4A.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2024

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2.0.18 (22.08.24)
Calculation:Health insurance adjusted for August 2024
Calculation:The hours per calendar week are now listed in the results window.
Error:Minor problems fixed.