Dive Or Die! Underwater Game

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Dive into the deep water of the seas to begin your sea adventure. Swim through the ocean, collect hidden treasures & avoid obstacles on your way. Though Dive Or Die! is quite challenging, this underwater swimming adventure game is really simple. Tap the screen to dive higher while avoiding the obstacles and reach the end of each level to win. Show your scuba diving skills to survive the deep sea and explore all underwater treasures in this fun filled game.

Dive or Die! - Underwater Diving Game is inspired by the proven flappy bird game mechanism, but adds nearly unlimited levels with classic retro arcade style graphics in combination with improved controls, physics and sounds effects. Get ready to play as a scuba diver to begin your splashy underwater swimming experience in the deep sea to explore underwater creatures and find multiple treasure.

HOW TO PLAY Dive Or Die! – Underwater Diving Game:
★ Touch the screen to swim higher and avoid obstacles
★ The scuba diver keeps falling downwards, keep tapping the screen to swim upwards
★ Avoid crashing into the underwater obstacles
★ Beware of deep sea creatures like starfish, jellyfish and many more
★ With each obstacle you overcome, you earn points
★ Collect extra lives, power ups and level boosters to earn more points!
★ If you find an anchor, you can restart the game at the last level!
★ Find & collect all hidden underwater treasures

Sounds easy? With nearly unlimited challenging levels and dangerous obstacles, the water diving game becomes more and more intense as you reach higher scores. Be prepared for an underwater swimming challenge of a different kind!

FEATURES of Dive Or Die! – Underwater Diving Game:
★ Interactive game with HD graphics and sound effects in retro arcade style
★ Addictive water swimming gameplay for kids and all ages
★ Nearly unlimited swimming game levels that get more difficult the further you go
★ Real time Global Leaderboard to compete with players all around the world
★ Take a screenshot of your High score and share it with your friends
★ Play this splashy water game on any android smartphone or tablet and begin your new underwater swimming experience
★ 100% Free!

Now get ready for your exciting scuba diving experience. Dive Or Die! - Underwater Diving Game is packed with challenging water game levels to keep you entertained for hours while you swim in deep blue waters and collect hidden treasures. Dive in deep blue ocean and swim around in search of huge treasures while avoiding obstacles on your way. Hear the water, feel the ocean and dive into your very own underwater adventure!

Download Dive Or Die! – Underwater Diving Game to begin your funny swimming adventure today and reach the next high score tomorrow!

Consider rating, leaving a review and telling your friends about the underwater swimming adventure game, if you like Dive Or Die! Thank you very much!

Have fun and happy diving!
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-dek, 2023

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