Eczema App Nia

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Nia is an eczema app equipped with artificial intelligence that offers relief and individually tailored support to those affected. Are you or your loved ones affected by eczema? Increase your day-to-day well-being from the comfort of your home and at any time with our award-winning eczema app!

How exactly does Nia work? As a personal assistant, Nia helps patients to better understand their own health (or their affected child's) on a daily basis by simply documenting their health progress. Patients and relatives receive directly applicable and medically validated recommendations.

This is how Nia supports you with eczema:

- Take control of your skin condition: Highlight affected areas on the body chart, take pictures and document the current severity of your eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis). This will give you and your doctor the best possible overview of the progression of your health.

- Understand the triggers: Atopic dermatitis flare-ups have highly individualized triggers. Document each flare-up using pictures and scales as soon as they appear. Over time, valuable insights and patterns can be derived from the eczema diary that help to identify your specific triggers.

- Get direct eczema help: You can contact eczema experts directly via Nia. Our doctors will give you specific recommendations based on your input. This makes holistic assessments easier. In Nia's knowledge area you also get easy-to-implement tips & tricks.

- Nia Premium: If the free basic version is not enough for you, we offer you even more content and helpful functions in our premium version.

Get comprehensive digital support for greater well-being now!

- Cooperation with leading health insurance companies: We are already cooperating with leading German health insurance companies and actively extending these to include more regional providers. When you are insured with one of our partners, you will receive the full premium version of Nia free of charge. In our experience, private health insurers are also very accommodating when it comes to reimbursing the Nia premium version.

- Award-winning innovation: The Eczema App Nia is a multi-award winning app. The medical journal e-health-com named the Nia app “App of the Month” for January 2020. Mein-Allergie-Portal also presented the Digital Health Heroes Award to Nia Health. Additionally, Nia Health attracted international attention with the EU Innovation Award EIT Health Headstart Award. The Nia app also took third place in the Ideenreich innovation competition. Finally, Nia won first prize in the Deep Tech Award category AI in 2022.

Nia was developed in 2018 as a spin-off of the Charité Berlin, one of Europe’s largest university hospitals, in direct collaboration with eczema patients and funded by the German Ministry of Economy.

Are you a doctor? We have compiled all the relevant information about the Nia app especially for you at

The Eczema App Nia is a Class I Medical Device in the European Union.

Nia App Features:
- AI-supported eczema help
- Personalized eczema diary app
- Medically validated tips from subject matter experts
- Skin condition monitoring
- Comprehensive trigger analysis
- Nia premium version for extended analyses
- Cooperation with health insurance companies
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-noy, 2024

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- Triggering failed synchronization

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Telefon raqami
Dasturchi haqida
Nia Health GmbH
Schlesische Str. 28 10997 Berlin Germany
+49 163 2008762

Nia Health – boshqa ilovalar