Muziko Practice Toolbox

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Muziko helps you practice every song you can play. Simply tell it what songs you know and how good you are at them and it will give you a list of songs every day that you should practice to make sure you can learn new songs without forgetting how to play the songs you already know.

Muziko works more or less on the principle of spaced repetition; however, the approach is unique enough to warrant a full explanation.

When you start Muziko, you will need to enter the name of your instrument. Once done, you can enter as many songs as you would like into Muziko. You will be asked for the song name and your level of proficiency (low, medium, or high). Muziko will then give you a list of songs every day (by default, 5 songs) to practice. The song choosing algorithm works as follows:

- Low proficiency songs are practiced daily.
- Medium proficiency songs are practiced several times per week.
- High proficiency songs are not practiced at a fixed interval; instead, Muziko cycles through them at the rate of 1-2 per day. The more high proficiency songs you have, the longer it will take you to cycle through them all.

Muziko also lets you store links to aid your practice; for example, you might save a link to a jam track YouTube video or to an online learning platform for each song.

Finally, Muziko aims to be more than just a spaced repetition app. It also provides a metronome for your practice, and there are plans to add more useful tools in the future.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-iyn, 2024

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