Autostock DMS

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Manage your inventory data, customer info, test drive data from the AUTOSTOCK DMS web application right through the convenience of your phone.

The essential features you can access on the go:

-> Take and upload photos of your inventory

-> Vehicle photo management to make photos public/private

-> Manage Test drive module that includes:

- Capture an entire test drive process with just a few

clicks. No paperwork.

- Take Driver's license photo and automatically create a

lead and populate customer information.

- Book and process a new test drive for walk-in


- Process all test drive and add notes in case of vehicle


- Search through all the test drives by customer name,

email etc

- Get a list and status of all the test drives.

-> Create a lead just by taking a photo of the driver's license. Search through all the customers by their name, email, and contact number

AUTOSTOCK DMS is the next level dealer management software for car dealerships. AUTOSTOCK DMS offers powerful cloud-based vehicle management, Trademe integration, Facebook plugin, Japan auction listings, Test drive module, API integration, Finance application module, and other smart tools.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-iyl, 2024

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