Comfy Sleep Timer - Stop music

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Comfy Sleep Timer is a universal music sleep timer or video sleep timer. Just start the countdown timer and Comfy will automatically stop the music and auto sleep the video after the set time 😴🎵

It not only can stop the music and turn off the screen, but also perform various other actions - and it works with all major music and video players, as well as streaming apps like Spotify, YouTube and Netflix.

Set volume on start

Choose actions that will be performed automatically when the countdown timer is started. This comes in handy, if you always listen to music at the same volume at night or if you don't want to be disturbed by notifications during bedtime.

Turn off screen when sleep timer elapses

Choose what actions to perform when the countdown timer elapses. Comfy can stop the music or video, turn off the screen or disable Bluetooth. On older phones, it can even turn off WiFi. Never worry about a dead battery again!


On countdown start:
- Set media volume level
- Turn off the light (only with Philips Hue)
- Enable do not disturb

When countdown is over:
- Stop music
- Stop video
- Turn off screen
- Disable bluetooth (only for Android 12 and below)
- Disable wifi (only for Android 9 and below)

- Replaces e.g. the spotify timer (every player hides the sleep function somewhere else, no more searching)
- Quick launch your favorite music app or video player
- Quick launch your alarm app
- Extend the sleep timer by shaking your phone
- Extend the sleep timer from notification

- Minimalistic
- Simple and beautiful
- Different themes
- Sleek animations

Everything is designed to be simple and comfortable to use.

Uninstall hint
If you can't uninstall the app, please make sure Device Admin is turned off: Open the app and go into [Settings] -> [Advanced] and disable [Device admin].
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-apr, 2024

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