Photon Controller

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43 ta sharh
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The 3D printers are somewhat complex, but Photon Controller wants to make it easy for you. With Photon Controller, control, send files and check the status of your printer with CBD (Tested with an Anycubic Photon). Download Photon Controller, type the IP address of your 3D printer and easily control what you print without a computer, just your phone or tablet.

Among the functions of Photon Controller are:

Select the 3D file you want to print on your printer.
Start, pause or stop a printing process.
View the printing status in real time.
Move the axes of your 3D printer.

Check that your printer has an available ethernet or wifi port. Some printers such as the Anycubic Photon need some extra steps to connect to a network. You can find the necessary steps at this link
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-apr, 2020

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40 ta sharh

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Added a function to home the axis from the custom movement option.