Bitcoin Price Charts

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"Bitcoin Price Charts" is a simple monetary app that allows you to monitor the current Bitcoin (BTC) exchange prices.

An elegant, intuitive and clean interface makes it easy view the current price and their evolution over time. All Bitcoin prices and their evolution graphs are displayed in USD.

The main screen shows the current Bitcoin price and the Last, High and Low prices and last 24 hours change price.

Also a beautiful charts are shown, so you can see how Bitcoin value changes over time. The price charts allow you to view the bitcoin value on an daily, monthly and all-time basis. See the Bitcoin market trends in graphs based on the selected period.
These graphs are zoomable. Use a two finger gesture to zoom-in. With one finger drag gesture you can scroll the chart.

When you start up the application, automatically will download the current prices from various exchange markets. The price can also be manually updated by clicking on the update icon on the main screen.

Data to display Bitcoin price information is sourced from: and

The exchange rates are for information purposes only. These prices are not guaranteed to be accurate, and are subject to change without notice. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
This application requires access to the internet to retrieve price information and your network service provider may charge for such data transmissions.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-yan, 2022

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