Gothenburg offline map

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Offline map of Gothenburg/Göteborg for business and tourist visitors. Download before you go or using your hotel's Wi-Fi and avoid expensive roaming charges. The map runs completely on your device; map display with pan and infinite zoom, routing, search, bookmark, everything. It does not use your data connection at all. Switch your phone function off if you want to!

No ads. All features fully functional, you do not need to buy add-ons or do extra downloads.

The map includes area around the city and the main airport, Göteburg Landvetter Airport.

The map is based on OpenStreetMap data, It includes all the main roads and most if not all urban roads. Every building downtown is mapped with hotels, eating places and major shops. Things to do and see in the city and countryside are well covered. Coverage of rural areas is good but not 100%. You can help improve it by becoming an OpenStreetMap contributor.

The app includes a search function and a gazetteer of commonly needed items like hotels, eating places and pharmacies as well as museums and other things to see and do.

You can bookmark places like your hotel for easy return navigation using "My Places".

Simple turn-by-turn navigation is available. If you don't have a GPS, you can still show a route between two locations.

Navigation will show you an indicative route and can be configured for car, bicycle or foot The developers provide it without any guarantee that it is always correct. Use with care and above all look out for and obey road signs.

Like most small developers, I cannot test a wide variety of phones and tablets. If you have trouble running the application, do email me and I will try to help and also refund you.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-may, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

- Latest OpenStreetMap data
- Android 14 compatibility
- Major rewrite focused more fluid map panning and zooming, contact us via our Developer Email on the Google Play Store if you come across any issues.