School Day

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A Day At High School (Funny Game) is a game with 5 levels.
Click on objects around the game screen to make events happen. Some objects will get stored in the Inventory, click on these objects to use them. Every level can be completed in only one right way. So choose the objects carefully to figure out that
Oh, like going to school wasn't hard enough. Now you're going to make me play through the day? Fortunately, there's a payoff that's better than homework...
Nobody likes to wake up early in the morning. But today is Friday, the last school day! So hurry and take all your stuff, and then take care of your hairs and finally have a light breakfast before you go! Will you there in time?
There isn´t anything so hard as getting up in the morning and getting ready for school. It´s really hard if you don´t have all figured out what you are about to wear. Practice that in this really great game.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-fev, 2024

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