All Elements Memorization

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50 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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This application supports memorizing all chemical element symbols from atomic number 1 hydrogen (H) to atomic number 118 oganesson (Og).

In list mode, displays the element symbol to be memorized.

Flashcards can be tapped to display the following chemical element symbols to support memorization tasks.
Press the button on the upper left of the screen to display the previous element symbol.
With the AUTO button on the upper right, the element symbol can be displayed at intervals of 2 seconds (SLOW) or 1 second (FAST).

The test mode has the following two patterns:
- Test to answer elemental symbols in the order of atomic numbers 1 to 118
- Test to answer the elemental symbol corresponding to any atomic number

The test time is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen and in the results dialog.
The title screen displays the number of days the app has been running and the results of each test (progress rate, number of times cleared, and best time if cleared).

Please see the screenshot for details.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-sen, 2024

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Fixed screen layout .