Gujarat School Books 2024

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To help Gujarat state board students and teachers, we developed an educational platform called Gujarat School Books: Results which has books and guides of Gujarat (GSEB) in readable PDF format.

All the sources are publicly available in the Gujarat State Board of School textbook. This App is not an affiliated app of the Gujarat State Board of School Textbook.

Source of Information:


Gujarat Textbooks:
In this application, you can download and read the Gujarat school textbooks of all standards which is completely free. It also contains books of all mediums.

Gujarat Board Results:
You can check the results of your Gujarat state board exams with just a click.

Guides and Materials:
You can also get extra study materials and guides, especially previous year’s question papers in this app without interruptions.

Notes and Bookmarks:
You can note down the essential points as simple notes in this app while studying, which is a great advantage for you. By using the bookmarks feature you can easily find the areas and pages where you left off.

Gujarat School books, this app will be a boon for all the students and teachers of the Gujarat State Education Board.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-iyl, 2024

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