Idle Civilizations - Evolution

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šŸ”®Welcome to the future!šŸš€
ā€¦ Or is it the past? You start off your empire building adventure as a worker in the distant future who, thanks to a rather unfortunate mistake, finds themselves thrown back in time all the way to the beginning of humanity. This fun strategy game will test your business acumen and tycoon tendencies as you build the worldā€™s cities and civilizations from the ground up.

šŸ—ļøHistory in the making
After youā€™re thrown back in time, youā€™ll need to meet and work with locals to build and grow your way to the top and return to the future ā€“ youā€™ll also need to keep an eye out for time crystals to collect at the end of each level to keep moving through the ages. Experience the evolution of civilization in this fantastic idle style game as you get a feel for history up close and personal.
Get your business plan on ā€“ At each step of your journey, youā€™ll need to earn money by selling items or resources to the locals. As you progress through the eras those items will change, evolving as you move up in time to reflect modernization. Youā€™ll need to strike the right balance and find the best strategy to maximize profits while also hiring more workers and expanding your offerings each time to progress as fast as possible.

Staycation time ā€“ While your character may have been haplessly thrown back in time and is now working in a Medieval town or prehistoric society, youā€™re able to just sit back and relax all while leveling up, no matter where you are. Chart your rise from your couch, from the train, or even from your work desk (shh, we wonā€™t tell anyone!) ā€“ this is a chill game where thereā€™s no crazy pressure to fight off invaders, timers that need to be beat, or anything stressful of the sort.
Go down in history ā€“ Not only do you get the fun of experiencing different eras of civilization, but you also get to customize your character to enhance their abilities! Along the way, as you fashionably work through time, youā€™ll also take part in building a fantastic tower ā€“ donā€™t forget to click that build button every time you see it appear so that your momentum and tower keep rising. After all, you want to be remembered in history as the one who got it all done, right?

šŸ•°ļøAnd the rest is historyšŸ“œ
Get ready to take a blast to the past and experience civilization and humanityā€™s evolution up close and personal ā€“ youā€™re the one leading it! Put Earth on the right path forward and leave your mark on history: Idle Civilizations ticks all the boxes for fun, relaxation, and excitement, so you wonā€™t want to miss it.

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