cPanel Tutorial

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✴ cPanel is a web based hosting control panel provided by many hosting providers to website owners allowing them to manage their websites from a web based interface. ✴

► This program gives users a graphical interface from which they can control their portion of the Unix server. ✦

► The tools provided are designed to simplify running and controlling a website. It uses a tiered structure that allows different levels of access. ✦

❰❰ Administrators and end users can control the different aspects of the server and the website directly through their browser. ❱❱

【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】

⇢ Overview

⇢ Registering a Domain Name

⇢ Getting Web Hosting

⇢ Setting Up Nameserver

⇢ Logging into cPanel Dashboard

⇢ Changing Password

⇢ Styles

⇢ Contact Information

⇢ Home

⇢ Statistics & Dashboard

⇢ User Manager

⇢ File Manager

⇢ File Permissions

⇢ Images

⇢ Image Scaler

⇢ Image Converter

⇢ Directory Privacy

⇢ Disk Usage


⇢ FTP Sessions

⇢ Backup

⇢ Backup Wizard

⇢ MySQL Databases

⇢ MySQL Database Wizard

⇢ phpMyAdmin

⇢ Remote MySQL

⇢ Subdomains

⇢ Aliases

⇢ Addon Domain

⇢ Redirect

⇢ Simple Zone Editor

⇢ Advance Zone Editor

⇢ Email Accounts

⇢ Email Forwarders

⇢ Webmail

⇢ MX Entry

⇢ Autoresponders

⇢ Track Delivery

⇢ Email Filters

⇢ Authentications

⇢ Address Importer

⇢ Encryption

⇢ Apache Spamassassin

⇢ Visitors

⇢ Errors

⇢ Bandwidth

⇢ Webalizer

⇢ Raw Access

⇢ CPU and Connection Usage

⇢ IP Blocker


⇢ Hotlink Protection

⇢ Ruby on Rails

⇢ Optimize Website

⇢ Cron Jobs

⇢ Track DNS

⇢ Indexes

⇢ Error Pages

⇢ MIME Types

⇢ Virus Scanner

⇢ Softaculous Apps Installer

⇢ Installing WordPress

⇢ FileZilla FTP Client

⇢ CloudFlare
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31-avg, 2023

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