Tourism Management

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✴ Tourism management is the oversight of all activities related to the tourism and hospitality industries. It's a multidisciplinary field that prepares people with the interest, experience, and training for management positions in the food, accommodations, and tourism industry. Tourism management might also include the enterprises, associations, and public authorities that market tourism services to potential travelers.✴

► This App is prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basics of tourism. The ones who are keen on taking up career in Hospitality and Tourism, this App is resourceful. For all other enthusiastic readers, this App is a good learning material.✦

【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】

⇢ Introduction

⇢ Types

⇢ Terminology

⇢ Factors Affecting

⇢ Demand

⇢ Motivation Factors of the Tourists

⇢ Maslow’s Pyramid of Motivation

⇢ Consumer Behavior

⇢ Plog’s Model of Tourists Behaviour

⇢ Destination Awareness

⇢ Milieus

⇢ Destination

⇢ Tools for Destination Management

⇢ Supply

⇢ Tourism Functional Management

⇢ Business Departments

⇢ Market Segmentation

⇢ Marketing Mix

⇢ Products and Services

⇢ Developing Product

⇢ Phases of Tourism Product Development

⇢ Impacts

⇢ Trends and Future
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-sen, 2022

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Prabhu Thankaraju
101-B,Nishadham Bldg,1/5 Chipale,Panvel NAVI MUMBAI, Maharashtra 410206 India

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