Cute Calendar

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It has multiple functions! You can create and save plans and create repeated plans separately.
You can switch the images of calendar by tapping images. You can select images from the album of the mobile or take new photos to customize the calendar!
You can add marks on the date to show other plans of your day!

The initial window is the calendar.

When you select an icon for a daily plan or a repeated plan, the mark is now reflected on the date of the calendar. You can select and save 4 icons each date.
ļ¼ŠIcon displayļ¼Š
Top left ā†’ The icon of the top priority repeated plan will be displayed here. Top left icon is only for the repeated plan.
Bottom left ā†’ The icon of the top priority of the daily plan will be displayed here.
Top right ā†’ The icon of the second priority of the daily plan will be displayed here.
Top bottom ā†’ The icon of the third priority of the daily plan will be displayed here.
ļ¼ŠHow to add marksļ¼Š
When you don't need to set the icon in a daily or a repeated plan, press Menu button ā†’ Mar kā†’ select a mark ā†’ tap the date to add mark on the date.

ļ¼Šļ¼ŠHow to use Calendarļ¼Šļ¼Š

1.怌Add怍button : Select the day ā†’ press Add button to create a new plan for the selected day.
2.怌Repeat怍button: Create a repeated plans.
3.怌Today怍button: Go back to the today's date.
4.怌Left怍ļ¼†ć€ŒRight怍button: Move the date right to left.
5.怌List怍button: You can see saved plans on the list.

ļ¼Šļ¼ŠHow to save a planļ¼Šļ¼Š
1. Press Add button of the calendar.
2. Move to the Plan Edit Window.

ļ¼ŠDescription of the Plan Edit Windowļ¼Š
From the left-top window
1.怌Move the plan to the previous day怍button: You can move saved plan to the previous day.
2.怌Move the plan to the next day怍button: You can move saved plan to the next day.
3.怌Check怍button: Press this checkbox when you have done your plan, then a red checkmark will be displayed on the list of the calendar. You can understand the plan has been done with one look.
4.怌Delete怍button: Delete the plan.

ļ¼Šļ¼ŠHow to save a planļ¼Šļ¼Š
3.怌Time怍: Enter start and end time.
4.怌Title怍: Enter the title of the plan. This title will be displayed on the list of the calendar.
5.怌Memo怍:You can save a memo for the plan.
6.怌Icon怍: You can select an icon for each title.
7.怌Photo怍: You can save 2 photos a day.
8. After entering all the data, press 怌Back怍button of the mobile then the plan will be saved automatically.
9. You can confirm saved plans on the list of the calendar.

ļ¼Šļ¼ŠHow to save repeated plansļ¼Šļ¼Š
1. Press 怌Repeat怍button of the calendar.
2. Move to 怌Alarm List怍window.
3. Press 怌New怍.
4. Move to 怌Alarm Registration怍window.
5. 怌Title怍: Enter the title of the plan. This title will be displayed on the list of the calendar.
6.怌Memo怍:You can save a memo for the plan.
7. 怌Date怍: Select start and end date. When you do not enter nothing end date, your plan will be repeated continually.
8. 怌Time怍: Enter start and end time.
9. 怌Week怍: Select the week days of a repeat. All checkboxes should be checked when you select a repeat by date below.
10. 怌Which week怍: Select the number of week of a repeat. There are two choices here to calculate the repeat.
a) Calculate by the number of times a week. Example: Count the second Monday and the forth Wednesday of the month.
b) Calculate by the week of a week. Example: Count the second week of Monday and the forth week of Wednesday of the month.
11. 怌End of month怍: Check here if it is only for the end of the month.
12. 怌Specified day怍: You can select date to set the repeat. All checkboxes of 怌Week怍above should be checked when you select a repeat by date.
13. 怌Alarm怍: Set the alarm for your repeated plans.
14. Press 怌Save怍button above the window to save the plan.
15. Go back to the 怌Alarm List怍window automatically. You can confirm the saved plans on the list.
16. Press 怌Back怍button to go back to the calendar.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
26-iyl, 2024

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