ShiftLog Ladys

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98 ta sharh
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Save and manage workplaces and shifts very easily! Save as much as workplaces and shifts you want! It is unlimited!
Display up to 5 shifts each day! Saved shifts are displayed in timeline below the calendar! Drag and move in all direction!
You can also save breaktime, day wage and set an alarm for each shift! *ShiftLog Ladys do not sync with Google Calendar. When the mobile is manner mode, the alarm may not work properly by the model.

ShiftLog Ladys Howto Guide

<Menu Buttons of the mobile>
1. Calendar Mail:Send your shift by email with the image.
2. Alarm: Set sound and volume.
3. Setting:Select a background color and set basic functions of the app.
4. Backup: Save the data to SD card.
5. Password: Set the password.
6. More:
---Copy to SD card: Copy the data to internal and external SD card.
---Recovery: Use this function when you want to return to the previous data. *Please note that the current data will be deleted when you use this function.

<Background Color>
1.Let's select background color first! Press "Menu" button of the mobile and select "Setting".
2.Select "Color" from "Setting".
3.Pattern1:Pastel blue, pattern2:Pink. Select the color you like!

Let's create shifts!
1.Tap "Edit" button (Pensil) of the calendar.
2.Move to "Shift List".
3.Tap +button to create a new shift.
4.Move to "Add Shift" window.
5.Tap +button to create a new workplace.
6.Move to the pop-up.

*Buttons of the pop-up(Creation window of workplace)*
b)「Back」button. Go back to "Add Shift".
c)「Delete」button. After saving the name, use this button to delete the workplace.
d)「Name」: Enter the name of the workplace.
7.Save with Save button and go back to Add Shift.

*Add Shift Window*
「Shift」:Enter shift name.
「Time」:Set working hours.
「Break Time」:Set the breaktime.
「Text Color」:Select a text color. Default is white.
「BackColor」:Select a background color. You can check the color with the preview.「Alarm」:Set an alarm.
「Sum Amount」:Day wage sum. This is for a person who works by hourly wage.
「Memo」:Save a memo.
8.Save with "Save" button.

*Create a new shift for the same workplace.*
9.Tap +button in Shift List window.
10.Move to Add Shift window. When you create a shift for the same workplace, confirm the workplace name is selected (red color). Enter shift name and so on.
11.Create more shifts in the same way.

<After saving shifts>
1.You can confirm all the shifts you created in the Shift Lift window.
2.Tap "Edit" button (Pensil) to edit each shift.
3.Tap one of the shift and move to the calendar.
4.You can see the selected shift in the balloon. Tap the date you want to add this shift. You can add and delete the shift just by tapping the day!
5.Delete the shift by tapping twice! It is so easy!
6.Release the selection with "Close" button. Tap "Edit" button of the calendar to select another shift.

1.Select a day → Tap one of the shift below the calendar!
2.Move to Shift Edit window.
3.Check here working・absence・paid leave・compensatory leave.
4.Change working hours if it is necessary.
5.Add and Edit memo.

<Calendar's button>
1.「Workplace」:See the list of workplaces. Select one to display the calendar.
2.「Shift」:See the list of shifts. Select one to display the calendar.
3.「Weekly display」:Switch the display from monthly to weekly.

1.「Edit」:Create a new shift.
2.「Note」:Create a short memo.
3.「Today」:Go back to today's date.
4.「Left and Right」:Move dates right and left.
5.「 List」:Switch the display from the calendar to the list.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-dek, 2019

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Xavfsizlik — dastur ishlab chiquvchilar maʼlumotlaringizni qanday jamlashi va ulashishini tushunishdan boshlanadi. Maʼlumotlar maxfiyligi va xavfsizlik amaliyotlari ilovadan foydalanish, hudud va yoshga qarab farq qilishi mumkin. Bu axborot dastur ishlab chiquvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan va keyinchalik yangilanishi mumkin.
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