Relax Mountain: sleep sounds

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4,92 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Relax with the best sounds of the mountain. Fall asleep faster and sleep better!

Ideal for relaxing, sleeping, meditation, concentration, or if you have problems with tinnitus (ear ringing).

The app plays different sounds of the mountain, the sounds played in this way are also known as white noise.
White noise has beneficial effects on the body and mind because, covering the noise of the external environment, promotes relaxation and concentration.

You can set the timer and put your app in background or turn off the screen. At the end of the time, the sound fades gently and the application closes by itself. So you do not have to worry about closing the app if you fall asleep.

Do you have trouble going to sleep? This app helps you sleep by blocking distractions. Now you can asleep faster and sleep better!
You can say goodbye to your insomnia! Improve your life!

Use it after a stressful day to regain your inner peace. Go into your oasis of calm.

*** Application features ***

- 12+ perfectly looped sounds
- timer system that slowly fades audio out
- auto-pause sounds on incoming call
- volume controls
- quick menu
- usage in the background and with other apps
- no streaming is required for playback (no data connection required)
- pause and play sounds

*** List of sounds ***

- Fireplace
- Wind at high altitude
- Waterfall
- Bells in the village
- Grazing cows
- Raging torrent
- Ice storm
- Grazing sheep
- Brook
- Walking in the snow
- Sounds of the night
- Birds in the pine forest

*** Usage notes ***

For a better experience, I recommend you the use of headphones or earphones to listen the relaxing sounds.
You can use the app in background and with other apps.

*** Notes on permissions ***

- Device ID & call information (read phone status and identity)
Used to stop sound on incoming call and to play again at the end of call.

- In-app purchases
Used in the purchase of the premium version.

- Prevent phone from sleeping
Used to keep alive the app when you turn off the screen or while using other apps.

- Full network access and view network connections
Used to verify the purchases and show ads.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2024

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Bug fixes and improvements