Energy Timer(Chinese/English)

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"Energy Timer is not just a noodle timer, but a versatile timer finally found for contemporary businesspeople who have been struggling with time." --- The developer

Good news for instant noodle enthusiasts all over the world!
We finally completed development of the most advanced instant noodle timer --- 'Energy Timer'!

It's a very simple action, you just touch the screen to choose cooking time and start count down.
In addition, custom preset will enable you to support count down optimized for every noodle by recording photo and cooking time. You can freely adjust softness of noodles.

Although this timer is developed for instant noodles, it has extreme versatility.
Cooking pasta, speech and presentation, thinking time in quiz shows, speed eating contest --- it will help you in every kind of situation.

We have arranged this app so that you can download it from this page.
Do try this app now.

Good luck.

[How to Use]
* Tap button to choose cooking time (1/3/4/5 minutes), and then tap [Start].

* The timer with a futuristic and mechanical look counts down the cooking time precisely in 1/100 second.
* The final countdown action starts 30 seconds before finishing. It prevents users from overcounting.
* Custom setting enables presetting any noodle you like with image and cooking time.
* You can change alarm by tapping the music note button.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-sen, 2016

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