Touch the Lost

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Touch the Lost Numbers

Test your memory and reflexes with this fun and addicting game! Touch the numbers in order starting from 1 as quickly as you can, but be careful because as soon as you press 1 the other numbers disappear!

Play from the two modes

◆『Touch The Lost』

As soon as you start, the numbers will appear in a randomized order. Click on “1” and all of the numbers will disappear.

A clock will count the time it takes you to remember the position of the numbers and touch them correctly in the same order. Try your best for a high score!

Hard Mode is unlocked if you complete Normal in 2.5 seconds or less!
//User time is measured to the top 10.

Of the topic, Number Touch Game! Memory and peripheral vision by the moment, it is free Toreapuri brain. By Working Out By storing things in a moment, a memory moment, the brain is activated, the effect can be expected to prevent blur and improve your memory. In addition, he is said to have been not only the center of the field of view, by trained not aware of everyday, the view around, reflexes can be improved, and peripheral vision, and useful in sports such as baseball and soccer.
Memory and good judgment by the moment, in the reflexes by peripheral vision, please try to update the best score of Toreapuri Touch the Lost Free brain.
I recommend this
● If you commute in, I want to kill time with Cho and
● If you get stuck in the study, I would like to breather
● I Nobinayan who are in sports performance.
If you apply to the above, it is recommended that Touch the Lost of stored-free brain Toreapuri moment.
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-avg, 2023

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