Sin-D BenchMark

36 ta sharh
1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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"Sin-D BenchMark" is an application to measure the performance of 2D game play.
You can check the value of each measurement, while drawing of the game screen. (Using OpenGL ES)

There are four measurement items. fps, Frame Time, Proc Time, Draw Time.
By looking at these items, you can know the comfort of 2D game play.

You can also destroy the fighter by tap on screen.
Reducing the number of drawing, will change the measured value.

[The measurement items]
fps: Number of frames per second.
Frame Time: The time required for one cycle.
Proc Time: The time required to process various non-drawing. (move, judge, etc.)
Draw Time: The time required to issue an order for all drawing.

[Please write measured value in review]
The value measured at the time of the remaining 100,
Model name, fps, Frame Time, Proc Time, Draw Time. As below.
Xperia X10, 31, 32, 2, 18
Sony Tablet S, 51, 19, 1, 16

Thank you for your cooperation.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-fev, 2012

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