My Bright LED flashlight

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Ultra-bright LED flashlight, that turns your device into a torch

Free torch app for your Android device to help you light up dark areas. Very bright and quite useful flashlight app. It uses the LED flash on your device as a flashlight. Never be lost in the dark again with this bright LED flashlight app. It is always good to have a torch with you.

The features of the app include:

-Strobe light effect with different speed intervals.
-Bright LED light from your devices, that acts as a torch or flashlight.
-The flashlight can run as a background process, meaning that it consumes less battery, because the screen is off.
-Safe for your device to use - if you forget to turn it off, and it is running in the background, the flashlight will go off after 90 seconds. It stays on in the background if you disable the option to turn off.
-Traffic mode - a traffic light styled theme, which has both auto and manual mode - the auto mode changes the light every half a second. Alternatively, you can change it yourself.
-Nice graphics and interactive buttons make the torch app look really nice.

How to use:

The center button turns the flashlight on/off. The strobe effect makes it blink. The arrows decrease and increase the blink interval. The traffic light mode is used by tapping the center or use it in a warning(auto) mode.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-okt, 2022

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Updated the code for newer versions of Android